When Women Thrive, The World Thrives


As women, we know all about supporting others.

It’s just what we do.

As entrepreneurs, we know how to get sh*t done.

It’s just what we do.


As women entrepreneurs, we know how to work in a system that wasn’t designed for us;

it’s just what we do.

But what if… we didn’t?

What if instead of supporting everyone else’s vision, we got to focus on our own?

What if instead of getting sucked into the relentless hyper-productivity grind, we got to get sh*t done AND prioritize our self-care (like actual self-care—not just bath bombs)?

What if instead of competing with other women, we supported and celebrated one another in community?

What if we built a new system designed around our complexity and the intersecting challenges women entrepreneurs navigate every day?  

A system that understands the generative, nuanced (and sometimes messy) power of women.

A system that doesn’t try to cram our round peg into its square hole.

A system that respects women for what they are: deeply connected, vastly powerful creators.

Meet resurgo: the first and only app built to support self-employed women’s thriving.

At resurgo, we see what we’re up against.

We’ve done the research.

In fact, we published the first and only report on the State of Female Entrepreneurs’ Mental Health, as part of the development of this project.  

The evidence is clear: Entrepreneurship is brutal on women’s mental health. 

Entrepreneurs are three times more likely to suffer from mental illness than the average population.

resurgo is changing all of that.

We’re here to answer the question:

What’s possible for women and our world when we build systems that actually support our thriving?

And just like you, we’re bold and ambitious af.

One of our critics warned us against being too much. 

“It’s just an app,” he said. 

“Don’t try to do it all,” he said.

We laughed, “ah, have you ever met a woman?”

Because face it—we do it all. And we need systems that do, too.

resurgo is a beautiful new system designed by women entrepreneurs to meet women entrepreneurs precisely where they’re at — holding true to vast ambitions in the midst of messy, complex lives. 

We understand that business and life are inexorably woven together, and to support one is to feed the other. At resurgo, wellness and productivity are also linked.

This means no more choosing between taking care of yourself and getting sh*t done. 

We see women entrepreneurs for who they are: whole humans.

Backed by research and data, our platform is committed to building a new infrastructure for women entrepreneurs navigating the pervasive symptoms of overwhelm, isolation, and stress

resurgo supports women across all areas of life, because we get it...

Business is personal. 

For us, it has to be. No more rejecting our needs in the name of hustle. No more isolation. No more procrastinating our self-care. Thriving means we get to create systems that work for us: our actual needs and how we’re actually built. 

And we get to do it together.